HomeNewsSuperfine Powder Grinding Mill for Stone Powder Grinding

Superfine Powder Grinding Mill for Stone Powder GrindingPosted: 2018-06-05

  • Mining engineering use superfine powder grinding mill can be used in more than 200 kinds od stone materials powder grinding. Such as: calcite, calcium carbonate, dolomite, limestone, feldspar, gypsum and so on, the final powder fineness made by superfine powder grinding mill can be adjusted between 300 mesh to 3000 mesh. And besides the mining industry, the superfine powder grinding mill also can be used in chemical, transport, paper making, filling materials making and other industries.

    Compare with other mining mills, the superfine powder grinding mill has lots of advantages.

    Compare with Raymond Mill

    Raymond mill

    As we all know, the Raymond mill also be called Raymond roller mill, is one of traditional stone powder making machines. However there are many difference between Raymond mill and superfine powder grinding mill.

    First, the superfine powder grinding mill can be used in more finer stone powder grinding, as we have mention that the minimum powder fineness made by superfine powder grinding mill can up to 3000 mesh, however, the Raymond mill process range is about 50 mesh to 425 mesh.

    Second, the output of superfine powder grinding mill is more larger than Raymond mill, take calcite powder grinding as an example, the same powder fineness, the hour capacity of superfine powder grinding mill is as twice as Raymond mill, the Raymond mill is 20 t/h, and the superfine powder grinding mill is 45 t/h.

    Compare with Ball Mill

    ball mill

    First, the superfine powder grinding mill use a vertical structure, so use the superfine powder grinding mill to process the stone powder has a cheaper invest on working areas.

    Second, the superfine powder grinding mill is more energy saving, the same final product, same fineness, same output, the electronic power of superfine powder grinding mill can be saved more than 20%-30%.

    Thirdly, compare with the ball mill, the superfine powder grinding mill was set on dust collector system, so the superfine powder grinding mill is more environment friendly.

    Are you interested in the stone powder grinding, superfine powder grinding mill? If you are, or you want to know more details about our superfine powder grinding mill, welcome to leave your message on our website, and we will arrange our customer manager contact you as soon as possible. Thanks for your reading.


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Ultrafine Grinding Mill

Capacity:0.5-30 t/h
Feeding size:≤20mm
Output Size:5-74um/mesh
Info:HGM Series ultrafine grinding mill is the equipment specializing in producing fine and superfine powder of non-inflammable...

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